The main theme of this session is "Defect formation/evolution and properties control of advanced nuclear materials". This session will include open discussions on material design, preparation, processing, characterization and nuclear materials genome project, based on the engineering requirements of Generation III/IV fission reactors, fusion reactors, Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System (ADS), and other advanced nuclear energy systems. There will be a focus on four critical issues relating to the leading edge of nuclear materials science and technology (new materials, new theories, new methods and new technologies).
吕广宏 北京航空航天大学
韩恩厚 中国科学院金属研究所
汪小琳 中国工程物理研究院
王宇钢 北京大学
刘彤 中广核研究院
冉广 厦门大学
袁悦 北京航空航天大学 15120002203 yueyuan@buaa.edu.cn
黄金池 厦门大学 15060772127 huangjinchi@xmu.edu.cn